Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday Recap - Day #4

We all woke up this morning to a steady down pour, which in the day camp world means a lot of last minute changes to programming and scheduled activities. With the forecast looking very bleak for the entire day, we sat around at breakfast and brainstormed a number of different ways that we could entertain the kids all day while crammed into a very small gym. It is amazing how much time can be spent playing dodgeball, benchball, octopus and other related indoor games. In the afternoon, the field was still soaked so the campers got another movie treat by watching Kung Fu Panda. The drama team kept the story of Lightbulb Man alive as the supervillain “Firefinger” captures the town mayor and holds him hostage in order to execute his evil plan to build his death ray and take over the world! The arts and crafts team helped the kids make candy kabobs and candy necklaces, as it is obvious to everyone around here now that one way to keep lots of kids happy is to keep throwing sweets at them!

After camp was finished, the team went around the corner to where the Kerr Street Perfoming Arts Camp was being held, and watched the performances of all the kids who had been participating in that camp the last 2 weeks. The singing, dancing, drama and art were amazing, and the kids did an awesome job. After that the team went to dinner at Boston Pizza and then back to Kerr Street for some last minute planning for Friday.

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