Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday Recap - Day #1

Monday morning started with an early wake-up call at approximately 6:30 AM! Have you ever tried to get 12 teenagers up at that hour, give themselves plenty of time to make themselves pretty, have a somewhat nutritious breakfast and get them out the door? The students were eager to get going and were filled up with fruit loops and bagels. Upon arriving at the school, we met with the entire camp team for devotions and announcements. The kids piled in around 8:45 am and the show was on.

The drama team introduced their “Superheroes” theme and the main character for the week, “Lightbulb Boy”, played by our very own Stern. The first skit had Lightbbulb Boy receive the key to the city from his mentor and last year’s camp star “Lampman”. After Lightbulb Boy is commissioned to be the next superhero to keep the world safe, he is off to fight crime as “Lightbulb Man”.

For the rest of the morning, the drama team led Bible Studies for 3 different age groups based on the story of David and goliath, the arts team designed an awesome “tie-dye-shirt” making centre and the sports team kept the kids active with caterpillar tag, soccer and other outdoor games. The afternoon session was a highlight as the entire team worked together to design a camp wide game for all the campers called “Superhero Survival School”, where the kids rotated between 8 cool stations to test their strength, vision, touch, quickness, agility and other attributes of a superhero. It was awesome.

By the end of the afternoon, the team was physically and emotionally spent, and everyone had a new appreciation for the rest of the full-time staff who have given all of their summer to serve the kids at Kerr Street Day Camp. At night, the team headed down to the Kerr Street Drop-In Centre and hung out, had pizza and wings and played video games. After that we went back to do some last minute prep for the morning, made our lunches and off to bed. Overall, an awesome first day.

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